How to buy tickets

Search for the event

Search for the event you are interested in from any location in Nigeria.

Choose your tickets

After finding the event you would like to attend, click on it and it will lead you to the ticket price section.

Purchase your tickets

Choose the date of the event you would like to attend, the ticket type and the number of tickets you want to order. Lastly, fill out the name of the ticket owner, email address and click BUY NOW.


Fill your card details to complete the purchase.

Once your payment goes through, you will be redirected to the website. You can now download your tickets.

A receipt on the purchase is sent to your e-mail.

The payment went through but I was not redirected to the website. What now?

If you were not redirected to the website after making a payment, kindly check the receipt that was sent to your e-mail.

A receipt on the purchase was generated and sent to your e-mail when you made a payment. 

On the receipt copy your reference, head to, Get My Tickets .

Paste your ticket reference in the box and click Submit to download your tickets.



If you are still experiencing problems with accessing your tickets, kindly send an e-mail to Following information should be stated in the e-mail: a receipt of the payment, ticket type that was paid for and how many. Also mention the names on the tickets.